Friday, August 17, 2012


This is the exterior of Valparaiso's abandoned jail.  It is located at the very top of Cerro Carcel in downtown Valpo.  From what I was told, it now functions as an art museum. 

This is the oldest building in Valparaiso.  It was constructed in 1807 by the Spanish for defensive purposes.  They stored massive amounts of gunpowder here to help fight off the British Navy. 

Since we visited on a weekday, we weren't able to take a tour, but the guard did let us peek inside.  This is the interior of the ex-carcel.  It has been completely renovated!  From what we saw, the cells have been converted into individual art galleries, but I plan on going back this weekend for the full tour so I will find out for sure. (More pictures to come!) 
And of course, no post would be complete without a picture of the view...this was taken right outside of the jail! 


  1. That's awesome! I wouldn't mind that view if I was in jail haha

  2. I love all the colors - amazing. Even the roofs are pretty!

  3. More color! I love it.....and art instead of prisoners! Chile has the right idea! xxoo

  4. Just unreal...the color here! Hope you get to go back when it's open to see the galleries!
