Friday, September 28, 2012

Con Con

This was the view from our apartment in Con Con.  It was gorgeous!  The apartment was pretty cute too.  As for Con Con though, there's not much to do.  It's known for the surfing and there were a ton of people out trying to catch waves everyday, but the water was FREEZING, so we decided not to try it.  There were a few good restaurants around too, but for the first night we grilled out.  

 There was a charcoal grill on the patio, so we figured we would swing by the grocery store, get some meat and veggies, and a little charcoal and we'd have dinner ready in no time.  Turns out we were wrong.  We bought charcoal originally thinking it had lighter fluid on it, but when we tried to light the coals, nothing happened.  So we ventured out again looking for lighter fluid.  We went to about six different stores and no one understood what we were asking for...people just kept trying to sell us more charcoal!  Finally, we were explaining our dilemma to the owner of a little fruit mercado.  He told us he didn't have any lighter fluid, but took out a stack of newspaper from behind the counter and a wooden crate.  He signaled to us to take it, and explained that if we roll up the newspaper, then place the charcoal on top, and finally the crate on top of that, we could get the coals to light.  We said thank you and asked how much he wanted for it.  He shook his head, waved us off and said "nada" and while doing that I'm sure he was thinking to himself: "stupid gringos."  

So we headed back to the apartment, where Max used the newspaper and pieces of wood from the crate to build a fire.  After awhile, the coals were hot and we were ready to grill! 

This was the finished product...chorizo, steak, guac, grilled asparagus and mushrooms, and of course some beer.  It was delicious!

The second night, we took a walk along the beach in search for shells, and then had dinner and drinks at a local restaurant.  
2 pisco sours and a caipirinha...yum!

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