Sunday, December 16, 2012

Nunca Chao, Siempre Hasta Luego

After a full day of traveling I have finally made it back to Colorado.  It's a funny feeling being here.  I'm very, very happy to be home and to see my family, but I also miss Chile and everything about it.  It was a life changing experience, and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity.  I met some truly amazing people, a few who I now consider to be some of my closest friends.  I saw some extraordinary things that I will never forget and visited some places that I never thought I would.  I lived with the most incredible host family and forever they will be in my heart.  There is a saying in the Chilean culture: "nunca chao, siempre hasta luego."  It means: never goodbye, always see you later.  And that's exactly what it was when I left...a see ya later.  I will be back to visit and to explore all that I was unable to in the short five months I was there.  

So thank you Chile for all that you have given me.  You have changed me in a way that I never thought was possible, and I am a better person for it.  

Chi, chi, chi, 
Le, le, le
Viva Chile!   

Nos vemos

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